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3 Easy Steps That Will Help You Preserve Your Youth



3 Easy Steps That Will Help You Preserve Your Youth 2022

When we are young, we often don't think about how what we do will affect our future. The life we ​​live, the stress we experience, the food we eat… it all ultimately affects our health visually. Of course, our health later in life depends entirely on how we take care of it in our youth. So, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your health and prevent premature aging.

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"The lives we live, the stress we experience...all of these ultimately have a visual impact on our health."

In this article, we hope to give you some information on how to stay youthful and healthy with simple but effective tips that you can use flawlessly every day

First, you must remember that diet and physical activity are the keys to improving your health. Most people think it's necessary to follow a strict diet or work out hard to stay fit, they don't talk about anti-aging creams and treatments that keep your skin radiant and youthful, ultimately leading to damage to your pack and zero results .

Remember, our appearance (especially our skin) reflects our inner health...  

1. Asian Technology

We all know that Asian cultures have the best techniques and practices to bring peace and tranquility to the mind and body. So, if you're not one to train hard, these tips are perfect for you if you're just looking to relieve some stress or general soreness like back pain.

Qigong: This is a Chinese technique that fuses physical and spiritual energies through gentle movements and meditation. Most experts assure that the daily use of this technology will lead to improvements that will lead to a long-term and healthy lifestyle in the long run.

The suggested qigong exercises are easier than you might think; they include: inhale slowly, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds, exhale for 4-6 seconds, then slowly, which helps oxygenate the brain and circulatory system; A fairly simple warm-up to start the day. Just slowly bend your knees and try to balance in that position, then begin to move your arms back and forth to relax your body.

Katzyko's System: Katzuko Nishi, an engineering and Aikido teacher who has conducted many studies on techniques to improve health and longevity. Some of the exercises he recommends are as follows:

Using a roller or a firm pillow can help prevent cervical scoliosis. Train your capillary circulation by lying on the floor and raising your arms and legs, bending your elbows and knees slightly, and rocking them gently.

Yoga: We all know about yoga and its reputation, esp. Of course, this technique is one of the best for physical and mental health. Practicing yoga can improve your posture, flexibility, balance, and resistance.

A common exercise is a back extension; you can practice it at least once a day; you can start by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, then slowly bend forward until your hands reach your toes. Then slowly return to the starting position, always remembering to breathe calmly. You can do this exercise for 10 seconds, then repeat 4-6 times. This helps your posture and stimulates the kidneys.

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2. Facial massage

Wrinkles are known to be the most common ailment in people, especially when they are young and wrinkles are already formed. But early wrinkles can have many causes. Stress and low moisture levels on the skin are often the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent premature skin aging, it is therefore necessary to find the source of stress.

However, there are a few things you can do to improve your stress-relieving habits. In this way, you can channel stress and fatigue very visibly and prevent premature skin aging. We're talking facial massages and facial exercises that support blood and lymph circulation, and help hydrate your skin to prevent unsightly wrinkles.

There is an Asian technique of facial massage with a spoon. Yes, spoons; all you need is two spoons and a little coconut oil. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your face, then use a spoon to massage from the center of your forehead to your temples, from the bridge of your nose to your ears, and from your cheeks to your ears. Repeat this 4-5 times.

If you want to get rid of under-eye bags, all you need to do is place two cold scoops above and below your eyes and tap the cold cream on your fingers like a piano; this will help reduce swollen skin. Do these massages every morning and night, and you'll find they work better than any anti-wrinkle cream or treatment.

3. Anti-aging foods

As we mentioned above, our diet is an important factor in our health. We dare say that this is indeed the most important thing. A poor diet affects our health to a great extent, ultimately making our bodies weak and aging prematurely. There are many foods that have great benefits for our organs, systems and skin.

It is important to look for foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fish and nuts, which are rich in omega-3 and vitamin E; avocados, whose essential element is D-mannose-heptulose, which stimulates collagen production; honey and fruits rich in vitamin C (oranges, lemons, tomatoes, blueberries, etc.), which are excellent antioxidants and promote wound healing; and leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, which are rich in vitamins A, E, and C.

It is our responsibility to take care of our bodies. With this 3-step program, you'll see a big improvement in your health, so your body will show its rewards and always feel and look refreshed.


